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There are 2 wifi networks within 278. Towards the front of the house is the primary location where the UPC line comes into the house and any maintenance is completed. The internet should have an download speed of 80MB and a upload speed of roughly 8MB and will vary depending on your device and whether you are on a WiFi or a wired connection. Anything below 2MB download speed should have the router reset. Instructions for this are below.

The middle room has both signals but is at the limit of both. The better signal is usually UPC212058 (B) in this room.


UPC212058 Front of house to middle room (router located in Front room above desk) Password - KKOIEHZE *All Caps, All Letters, No Numbers

UPC212058 (B) Middle room to back of house (located on windowsill in the back room) Password - KKOIEHZE *All Caps, All Letters, No Numbers

If network is not up to speed (and there is not many downloads or streaming taking place) turn off the UPC212058 router at the back. *Test at - Speed should be 40MB Download, 5MB Upload on Wifi / 80MB Download, 8MB Upload on cable or above

The UPC212058 router is located in the front room above the desk. The Router with the lights facing front, reach your hand to the back and on the right side is a switch. Flick the switch (this will turn off the internet for everyone so please be careful that you are not interrupting anyone else) and after 30 seconds, turn it back on. After two minutes re-check the internet speed using the link above. If the internet speed is still slow on more than two computers (and outside the middle room), please let Katie know.